After Walmart CA accidentally published a whole page of pre-order game listings ahead of time last week, many wondered whether the titles on there were speculative E3 predictions or legitimate information. Sure, some of them were plausible, but there were a good few that seemed highly unlikely.
Well, oops, turns out at least one of them was right on the money. Rage 2 is happening.
How’s that for an even more delirious spin on Mad Max? You’ve got all the wasteland warriors with their spiked armour and tatted up bodies, but also lots of neon colours and some seriously extreme hairstyles. We’re not sure what to make of it all, to be honest.
It seems even more fantastical when you consider the original Rage was a mildly-received post-apocalyptic shooter from id Software released all the way back in 2011. It was also the last game from the company to be released under the supervision of industry legend John Carmack.
Interestingly, we don’t yet know who is handling development duties this time around. Many assumed that id was busy working away on Doom 2, so it could mean that Rage 2 is being made by a different studio entirely with Bethesda sticking around as publisher. It is believed to be Just Cause devs, Avalanche Studios.
A full gameplay reveal trailer will be released tomorrow at 4pm CET, so we should get some more details – including platforms, release date and so on – with that follow up announcement. Unless someone else leaks it ahead of time again…
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