The first instalment of the Attack on Titan OAD was released with the manga back in December. Now a trailer has been released by Weekly Shonen Magazine on their YouTube channel for the second part of Wall Sina, Goodbye.
An adaptation of Hiroshi Seko’s spin-off novel Attack on Titan: Lost Girls, it focuses on the characters Annie Leonhart and Mikasa Ackerman. The second part of Wall Sina, Goodbye is listed as episode 16.5B and shows the conclusion of Annie’s investigation of a missing person.
The second episode will be released in Japan with volume 25 of the manga on 9 April 2018. The third episode, Lost in the Cruel World, focuses on Mikasa Ackerman and will be released with volume 26 on 9 August 2018.
The new trailer also features an alternate version of the track Call Your Name sung by Gemie.
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