With Star Trek Discovery set to return in a little over three weeks (24 days, six hours and four minutes) CBS has released four new character posters featuring Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green), Captain Lorca (Jason Isaacs), Lieutenant Saru (Doug Jones), and Voq (Javid Iqbal) along with a video revealing the titles of the remaining episodes of the season…
It is interesting to note that Voq isn’t showing as much of his face as the others…more than likely a subtle reference to the fact fan theory that Voq is Lt Tyler…in some form or another.
Based on these titles for episodes 10-15, what do you think awaits our crew? Catch up on chapter 1 now: https://t.co/kxZbuhmXAw pic.twitter.com/KK89hbMTXK
— Star Trek: Discovery (@startrekcbs) December 13, 2017
Added to which, Entertainment Weekly has just released some exclusive pics of the kind of mischief that takes place off camera…
Star Trek: Discovery returns to US screens on Sunday, January 7, 2018 on CBS All Access at 8:30 pm ET and on Monday, January 8th in the UK on Netflix
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