Star Trek Discovery, new posters, episode title reveals, behind the scenes pics

Star Trek Discovery, new posters, episode title reveals, behind the scenes pics

0 comments 📅14 December 2017, 19:08

With Star Trek Discovery set to return in a little over three weeks (24 days, six hours and four minutes) CBS has released four new character posters featuring Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green), Captain Lorca (Jason Isaacs), Lieutenant Saru (Doug Jones), and Voq (Javid Iqbal) along with a video revealing the titles of the remaining episodes of the season…

It is interesting to note that Voq isn’t showing as much of his face as the others…more than likely a subtle reference to the fact fan theory that Voq is Lt Tyler…in some form or another.

Added to which, Entertainment Weekly has just released some exclusive pics of the kind of mischief that takes place off camera…

Doug Jones gives Sonequa Martin-Green a shoulder rub between takes

Even Klingons occasionally need to check Twitter

Jason Isaacs is ready to rock as Captain Gabriel Lorca, along with director Lee Rose

Rainn Wilson (Harry Mudd) takes a selfie with a slugging Martin-Green

One giant leap for mankind: Isaacs takes a dive a Wilson

Emily Coutts (Keyla Detmer), Sara Mitich (Airiam) and Jones try to memorize all that space jargon

Wilson, Rose, and Isaacs between takes

Martin-Green gets a running heads start on the Klingon ship

Anthony Rapp (Lt Paul Stamets) trades a smile with Martin-Green – also, our favourite pic

Martin-Green and Jones along with Shazad Latif (Lieutenant Ash Tyler) film in a beautiful Canadian forest

Star Trek: Discovery returns to US screens on Sunday, January 7, 2018 on CBS All Access at 8:30 pm ET and on Monday, January 8th in the UK on Netflix

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