You can now play the Resident Evil 2 remake in first-person

You can now play the Resident Evil 2 remake in first-person

0 comments 📅06 February 2019, 11:47

If tip-toeing around the R.P.D station in the Resident Evil 2 remake wasn’t already terrifying enough, a mod for the PC version has just been released that allows you to play the entire game from an extremely claustrophobic first-person perspective.

Created by a modder named Praydog, the tool allows you to get a direct view of all the terrible horrors just as Leon and Claire would see them during their living nightmare.

As you can see from the video above, it is still a little rough around the edges, as Leon’s limbs can often be seen in all sorts of awkward places. Nevertheless, for a fan creation, this is an exciting piece of work if you want to get a new perspective on Resident Evil 2.

If you’re a PC player and fancy giving this a go the mod and installation instruction can be found over on Github. Do exercise some caution when tinkering with your game files though as there is always the potential to cause damage.

Now, I guess we just wait for the inevitable VR mod for the game. That would be a hard pass from me, thanks!

Resident Evil 2 is available now on PS4, Xbox One and PC. In our review, we wrote that it is a “truly brutal survival horror experience” and well worth playing, even if the latter stages don’t live up to the excellent first half of the game.

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