Game of Thrones S07E07 The Dragon and the Wolf: New images released for season finale

Game of Thrones S07E07 The Dragon and the Wolf: New images released for season finale

0 comments 📅23 August 2017, 22:22

We know you don’t want to hear this (because trust us, we don’t want to hear it either!), but following The Dragon and the Wolf, there just six episodes left of Game of Thrones. Ever!

Season seven concludes this weekend, with episode seven, and season eight will consist of just six episodes.

But before we say goodbye to this top-notch show this year, here’s the official preview images released by HBO/Sky to whet our appetite for the finale.

It’s directed by Jeremy Podeswa, who also directed this season’s opener Dragonstone. We’re hoping it won’t be quite as talky, though. Even if its main plotline is that all important jibber jabber between the major players, as they seek to come together for the coming war.

As Jon Snow says in the preview video: “There’s only one war that matters. And it is here.”

What are your thoughts on what you’re seeing here, and what it means for the fate of Westeros? Enjoy the gallery then tell us below…

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