Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening remaster announced for Nintendo Switch

Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening remaster announced for Nintendo Switch

0 comments 📅14 February 2019, 09:35

Nintendo capped off last night’s Direct broadcast in some fashion by announcing a remaster of Gameboy classic The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening for Nintendo Switch.

A debut trailer was released alongside the announcement that opens with a recreation of the game’s iconic introduction, as Link finds himself shipwrecked and washed up on Koholint Island. This setting takes the game out of the Kingdom of Hyrule for one of the few times in the series, yet the island is set up like any other Legend of Zelda adventure full of townsfolk, monsters and dungeons to explore.

We also get our first glimpse at some gameplay for the Link’s Awakening remaster, which looks to maintain a very similar style to the Gameboy original. The art style is certainly new, though, and bursting full of charm.

The original Link’s Awakening was released for the Gameboy back in 1993 and became memorable for many of its more crazy or kooky moments. One that perhaps stands out most of all is the consequence of stealing an expensive bow from one of the game’s shops. If you do, you’re branded as a thief for the rest of the game – with your player name even being changed to ‘THIEF’.

It’ll be fantastic to experience this and all of the brilliance that lies within Link’s Awakening when it launches for Nintendo Switch later in 2019. If you’re going to be playing the game for the first time then you’re in for a real treat!

As for the rest of last night’s Nintendo Direct, highlights include our first proper look at Fire Emblem: Three Houses, the reveal of Super Mario Maker 2 and the announcement of a blistering new action game from Platinum Games entitled Astral Chain. You can watch all the announcements for yourself right here.

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