Listings for Gears of War 5, Splinter Cell, Borderlands 3 and more may have leaked

Listings for Gears of War 5, Splinter Cell, Borderlands 3 and more may have leaked

0 comments 📅11 May 2018, 15:49

Some super sleuth work from by gaming insider Wario 64 (who has a great track record) spotted by Bleeding Cool suggests that Walmart Canada may have accidentally just let us know some of the major games being announced at the show.

A bunch of games were listed, many of which have not been announced yet with Gears of War 5, Splinter Cell, Borderlands 3 and Just Cause 4 taking immediate attention. Strangely, it also lists Rage 2, a sequel to the ambitious, but ultimately disappointing id Software title from 2010.

E3 is just weeks away now, which means the internet is bound to be a sea of gossip and intrigue for the foreseeable future. Some will prove to be true, others will be nothing more than poorly Photoshopped pics; it’s always a wild time for speculation, however, this little gem could be a bombshell.

Naturally, none of this is confirmed and one listing does mention Forza Horizon 5 (the last game was Forza Horizon 3), which casts some doubt to the accuracy of this. At the same time, as Patrick Dane of Bleeding Cool notes, it could just be a typo for a listing that wasn’t meant to go public yet.

It’s a little tricky to make out the names in that tweet, so here’s the full list…

Tom Clancy’s The Division 2
Splinter Cell
Insurgency: Sandstorm
The Last of Us 2
Just Cause 4
WWE 2K19
Dragon Quest 2
Destiny Comet
Final Fantasy 7 Remake
Metroid Prime
NBA 2K19
Super Smash Bros.
Borderlands 3
Assassin’s Creed
Lego DC Villains
Beyond Good and Evil 2
Rage 2
Forza Horizons 5
Gears of War 5

It’s hard to know what to make of this, though coming from Walmart does add some credence to it. If it does indeed turn out to be true, this could be one of the biggest mess-ups in E3 leak history.

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