This week sees the standard Blu-ray edition of unrepentantly pervy J.C.Staff comedy Prison School escape from Anime Limited’s high security facility. The 12-episode series follows the misadventures of Kiyoshi, one of only five boys to gain admittance to the formerly all-girl Hachimitsu Academy. This being an anime, practically the first thing that Kiyoshi and his new mates do is peep into the girls’ changing rooms. It doesn’t go so well.
Caught in the act, the lads are sentenced to a month in the school’s prison (because why wouldn’t a school have a prison?) so they can be ‘rehabilitated’ by the shady Underground Student Council. This puts them under the not-so-tender care of riding crop-wielding guard Meiko, whose sadistic discipline and revealing uniform provide much of the show’s ample fanservice – and accidentally caters to the fetishes of Kiyoshi and his fellow inmates.
If you can’t guess why Prison School has an 18 rating, you’ve a pure heart and no imagination. That said, the vibe is less sultry sexiness (unless you have, um, specialised tastes) and more over-the-top gross-out comedy, often with a distinctly scatological bent. Director Tsutomu Mizushima (Girls und Panzer, Squid Girl) ensures the series is suitably loud and proud about being lewd and crude; Prison School won’t be for everybody, but you certainly can’t accuse it of being dull.
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