Netflix renews Black Mirror for a fifth season

Netflix renews Black Mirror for a fifth season

0 comments 📅05 March 2018, 12:16

Black Mirror has been the talk around the dinner table ever since it won a few Primetime Emmy awards back in September last year, successfully bringing the show to the attention of anyone who might have been living under a rock and hadn’t embraced it at that point.

Despite some influences from a myriad of movies and sci-fi writers including, James Cameron, J. Michael Straczynski, Stephen King and Philip K. Dick, Brit-done-good Charlie Brooker has managed to create to mini series of sensational, standalone dramas incorporating a technology themed plot and more or less making himself the Rod Serling of the millennial generation.

And…it has been renewed for a fifth season. The announcement came in the form of a cryptic tweet this morning “The future will be brighter than ever.” Though a bit ambiguous, Variety is reporting that this does indeed mean the show will be back.

Until then, here are three short films that could provide some inspiration for future episodes.

First is Ben Mallaby’s film Timeholes, it’s just two minutes long, but that’s more than enough time for it to deliver its original, entertaining and unique angle on time travel, where it’s more of a nuisance than a miracle.

Second is The Awareness, written and directed by Henry Dunham. This one has slower, more gradual build up of tension and turns into a creepy tech-thriller about one man’s attempt to become more than his insignificant job. Be sure to watch both of these all the way to the end.

Finally, FTL is a short film about an astronaut testing the first faster-than-light spacecraft. Perhaps it’s what happened when the Epstein Drive was tested in The Expanse. Along with an episode looking at the ethical and moral implications of teleport, an episode with a light speed drive test flight malfunctioning, could be interesting.

If you’re missing the series that explored a twisted, high-tech world where humanity’s greatest innovations and darkest instincts collide, then you’re not alone. These will definitely help fill the void and there’s a ton of behind-the-scenes featurettes for season 4 of Black Mirror here.

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