Hearthstone gets spooky for new expansion The Witchwood

Hearthstone gets spooky for new expansion The Witchwood

0 comments 📅13 March 2018, 18:06

Blizzard has announced The Witchwood, the first expansion of 2018 for their time-sucking collectable card game, Hearthstone.

The latest expansion will add 135 cards to the game, including two new keywords ‘Echo’ and ‘Rush’. The former allows you to play multiple copies of the same card in a single turn, while the latter is a variation on the existing Charge mechanic but only allows you to target enemy minions on the first turn you play a Rush card.

The Witchwood leans on all the spookiest elements from the Warcraft universe – all the ghouls, ghosts and creepy goings-on in Azeroth. Some card spoilers are shown in the above reveal trailer, including the Phantom Militia, Militia Commander, and legendary creature Genn Greymane.

The launch of The Witchwood will also add a new game mode to Hearthstone, Monster Hunts. Functioning similarly to last year’s Dungeon Run, you take a pre-made deck into a gauntlet against a number of AI opponents, leading up to a boss encounter with your chosen quarry. New cards and rewards can be earned along the way, but lose just once and the run is over.

The Witchwood will be available for Hearthstone at sometime before the end of April. Right now you can pre-purchase a special 50-pack bundle, which includes an additional 20 bonus packs, for £44.99.

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