Attack on Titan 2 trailers showcase town life and battle gameplay

Attack on Titan 2 trailers showcase town life and battle gameplay

0 comments 📅04 March 2018, 13:16

Attack on Titan 2 is nearly here and Koei Tecmo has released two trailers, one highlighting all the options when making your own custom character, the other focusing on combat when taking on Titans.

The game has the option to create your own scout and the Town Life trailer shows that there are a multitude of facial and body features that you can customise. This also includes the choice of clothes (such as a cape, mask or glasses) and you can even alter their voice. The trailer also shows your custom created scout conversing and building relationships with Hange and Mikasa.

The Battle Gameplay trailer is all about the action, delivering buckets of bloodshed as it goes through the different ways you can eliminate the Titans. The trailer also features the Beast Titan.

Attack on Titan 2 is released on PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita (Japan only), Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and Steam and arrives in Japan on 15 March 2018. It is released in the US and Europe on 20 March 2018.

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