Solo, second trailer arrives

Solo, second trailer arrives

0 comments 📅05 February 2018, 13:45

After last night’s surprise teaser for Solo: A Star Wars Story dropping during the Super Bowl…with the promise of more to come today…well, it’s here.

That certainly woke up America. Most of the country was still making its way slowly to work with a Super Bowl hangover…and the West Coast is still happily tucked up, fast asleep in bed.

Much of this new trailer was made up of scenes and footage we saw yesterday evening, but there’s still plenty that’s new to see. It’s also about the same length of time, not a full two-minuter as we’d be forgiven for thinking when we hear the words “full length”. But…despite everything we’ve heard, it still looks like it could be pretty damn good.

We also hear young Solo (Alden Ehrenreich) say, “I was kicked out of flight academy for having a mind of my own…”

And Lando looks so, so cool. Donald Glover is certainly going to make us forgive treachery Calrissian might have committed years later on Cloud City. We might be a bit too early to hear talk of the Battle of Taanab though.

YouTuber Spacedock also pointed out that those new looking TIE fighters with, what looks look two pods, might be trainers, which is very interesting and certainly makes. In addition, it’s been bounded about that perhaps that spiral, vortex thing is the Maw.

Solo: A Star Wars Story remains slated to open May 25th.

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