Solo: A Star Wars Story, trailer now not expected during Super Bowl

Solo: A Star Wars Story, trailer now not expected during Super Bowl

0 comments 📅01 February 2018, 09:25

So, you can’t help but have noticed…we haven’t had a trailer for Solo: A Star Wars Story Yet. We didn’t get one a month ago, during Good Morning America, on ABC. And…we didn’t get one on a week later, as many had speculated we would during the Monday Night Football on NBC.

You may also remember that not long ago we reported that more reshoots were needed. That’s right, they are reshooting the reshoots.

And that, is pretty much why we haven’t seen a single snippet of footage yet. All we’ve seen are some leaked images of LEGO sets and whatever tidbits Ron Howard deems fit to tease us with.

Prominent Star Wars YouTuber Mike Zeroh has offered some explanation…

“The trailer was supposed to come out on a date, which was delayed due to pick-up shots. These will involve two characters – Han Solo and Lando Calrissian, portrayed by Donald Glover. These will be done on a studio and not on location. This is the main reason why the trailer is delayed.”

These “pick-ups” are expected to start on 17th January and are standard procedure, usually not requiring major changes. They are most often just alternative angles on existing scenes or different dialogue.

However, the ongoing lack of any footage at all when the movie is due in May is making some observers very concerned.

Zeroh added: “They [Disney] are waiting for the Last Jedi to roll out of cinemas completely in late January. So I think it’s likely we will be getting the trailer in February.”

The most likely date now to make the biggest impact for the trailer would be Super Bowl LII on 4th February, more than likely during the coveted half-time slot, where global television audiences can reach tens of millions.

It will undoubtedly pop up on YouTube not long after it’s aired on NBC. Kick off is expected to be around 6:30pm Eastern Time, so you can expect halftime to be at approximately at 8pm, which is 1am UK time.

Solo: A Star Wars Story remains slated to open May 25th.


According to Collider, Disney has officially announced that it’s not being shown during the Super Bowl – so now there really is no reason to have to watch that – but it’s going back to its plan of showing it during Good Morning America, on ABC on Monday. It will more than likely be Pacific Time. GMA runs from 7am to 9am, so that’s 10am to 12noon ET and 3pm to 5pm UK time. Alternatively, just keep reading MYM ’cause we’ll have be running it the minute it arrives.

This actually makes sense in a Disney sort of way. The Super Bowl is showing on NBC – which is the biggest rival to AMC and guess what, Disney owns ABC. So why would Disney pay $millions for a Super Bowl slot to a rival channel? Welcome to the future.

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