Well known for its range of replica uniforms and props, Anovos is now offering a built-to-order, studio scale USS Shenzhou NCC 1227 and USS Discovery NCC 1031. Yours for just $8,000. Actually, the Discovery is $9,000.
So the website says, in keeping with the early days of Star Trek collecting, where technical manuals and books have always been part of the ship’s narrative, advancements in 3D design and printing have allowed Anovos to bring these technical drawings to life, by engineering the fully dimensional ships from the inside-out.
“Using digital assets for the Shenzhou provided directly by CBS from the show’s production team, our core engineers took these ships’ specifically-focused areas of interest and engineered the internal architecture, which were then given life via 3D printing and integrated with lights.
“The final effect is a deeper look into not only these beautifully hand-painted ship, but also an interactive experience with the ability to lift portions of the hull plating to reveal the ship’s working warp coils, crew’s quarters, and shuttlebay.”
Each ship is manufactured in the USA and hand-crafted to order. Due to the complexity and build time for each piece, orders will be taken in limited waves that are supposed to ensure that to get you your product in a reasonable time (Anovos aims for less than 90 days). There will be a maximum of three waves and, once surpassed, the project will be posted as “sold out”.
The Walker Class USS Shenzhou measures 26.6″ x 16.4″ x 4.6″ and has a body composed of polymer resin, with steel reinforcement. There are over 160 LED lights that run off a 12v power source with single channel remote.
There’s also active illumination for the impulse engines, warp nacelles, formation, deflector dish and anti-collision lights. Plus removable panels, exposing engineering elements and an exposed shuttle bay complete with shuttlecraft and interior illumination. The total display height is 8 inches.
The specs for the Crossfield Class USS Discovery are much the same, except it’s slightly bigger, measuring 36.9″ x 15.2″ x3.6″ and also 8 inches total display height. Plus it costs a thousand clams more.
There are lots more pics over at the Anovos website.
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Counts pennies, shakes head. Realises the swear jar he suggested would probably have paid for this by now…