Sega announce House of the Dead: Scarlet Dawn for arcades

Sega announce House of the Dead: Scarlet Dawn for arcades

0 comments 📅15 January 2018, 23:02

The undead will be rising back to the arcades again, as Sega has announced the latest game in their zombie shoot-em-up franchise, House of the Dead: Scarlet Dawn, as reported on Gematsu.

Using the Unreal Engine 4, Sega boasts that the latest game will allow the highest number of zombies to appear on screen at one time. The arcade cabinet will allow plays to sit on vibrating seats and also includes air cannons, both of which will kick into action depending on what takes place on screen.

Sega has launched an official website for the game, along with a number of screenshots, a few of which back up Sega’s claim when you see just how many zombies you’ll be up against. One also shows the player having to take down zombies while on a motorcycle.

House of the Dead: Scarlet Dawn will be tested at Sega’s Akihabara Building 3 in Tokyo, Japan from 19 to 21 January 2018.

The franchise first hit arcades back in 1996. The last of the main titles to be released in the arcades was The House of the Dead 4 back in 2005, with the prequel Overkill released on consoles in 2009.

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