Nintendo announces strange and fascinating Switch toyset Nintendo Labo

Nintendo announces strange and fascinating Switch toyset Nintendo Labo

0 comments 📅18 January 2018, 12:19

Here’s Nintendo’s next big idea: a cardboard piano or fishing rod for your Switch. No, we’re not joking. This is actually happening.

Last night, the house of Mario announced Nintendo Labo – a series of DIY cardboard toolkits called Toy-Cons that allow you to build all sorts of accessories for unique experiences on the Switch.

Still not making much sense? Luckily, Nintendo gave us a debut trailer that shows off some of the kits in action and does a pretty good job of convincing us the idea is absolutely genius.

Take the cardboard piano, for example, which takes adavantage of the infra-red sensor on the right Joy-con to detect which keys you press, relay that information to the console screen and play the note from the in-built speakers. Huh!

You can also decorate each set, colouring them in whatever style you feel suits or plastering them with different stickers or decals.

Clearly, this is aimed squarely at a younger audience, but there’s part of us that sees adults loving the concept too. Look, you can fight as a giant robot!

Nintendo has currently announced two sets – the Variety Kit and the Robot Kit – which will be available on April 20th. The former includes the Toy-Con RC Car, Toy-Con Fishing Rod, Toy-Con House, Toy-Con Motorbike, and Toy-Con Piano for $69.99. The latter, featuring the wearable robot suit(!) will set you back $79.99.

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