Monster Hunter World will be getting one final beta weekend on PS4 from January 18-22, Capcom has confirmed. Xbox One owners are out of luck, sadly.
This beta weekend will feature different content compared to the PS Plus exclusive one a few weeks back. You’ll be able to track down a new target named Nergigante.
Capcom also released a new trailer for the game, which reveals that Deviljho will return as a hunt as free DLC in Spring 2018.
Just earlier this week we learned that Monster Hunter World is currently being optimised for PC and will be released in Autumn 2018.
For PS4 and Xbox One owners, Monster Hunter World will launch January 26th.
If you’re new to Monster Hunter, I’d advise a little patience. Each weapon has a ton of depth and nuance. Each monster has telegraphs, openings, weaknesses and tendencies. No, you aren’t going to pick up the controller and go hamm your first time.
There are people who will put in a little time and become proficient with the different weapons and fall in love with MH and then there are people who will get rekt and blame the game.