Damon Lindelof has been busy adapting Alan Moore‘s groundbreaking comic series Watchmen for HBO and is set to start filming in March of next year. The series is expected to quite different from the 2009 film, but it seems Lindelof, who calls Moore “the greatest writer in the history of comics” is keen to keep the focus on one of the original story’s major themes: in the real world, how do we trust people who wear masks?
Lindelof is acting as the show’s executive producer and seems to be deeply passionate about the show and HBO ordered up a pilot script from the Lost writer in September. In addition to Lost, Lindelof is known for writing the likes of Prometheus, World War Z, Star Trek Into Darkness, Tomorrowland and The Leftovers.
He has said that the comic book is a dangerous story and that the time is now for it to be revitalized and retold because we are living in “dangerous times.” HBO has committed to back up scripts, in addition to the pilot, so clearly there’s some confidence there…while here at MyM we’re scratching our heads wondering why this is being adapted when there was a perfectly good movie only made eight years ago.
HBO could instead be investing this much time, effort and money into something like a Dredd TV series. Surely, that’s also a “dangerous story” also applicable to the dark, dangerous times in which we find ourselves in today. And Alan Moore used to write Judge Dredd stories for 2000AD, so Lindelof could pay respect to him that way too.
It’s unknown at this point whether a giant squid will feature in the show’s finale.
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