July 2017 saw BABYMETAL perform a series of live shows across Japan, which they referred to as The Five Fox Festival, as well as a Big Fox Festival in October at Osaka-Jo Hall. These shows have now been packaged on a six-disc Blu-ray set, as reported on Natalie and by BABYMETAL on social media.
The Five Fox Festival was notable in that certain restrictions were in place for each show, allowing for specific audiences (such as females only, or elementary school children and 60 and over), and some required a specific dress code (corpse paint).
The Fox Festivals in Japan 2017 Blu-ray set is available exclusively for THE ONE members (it is free to become members of THE ONE) and is now up for pre-order. It retails for ¥33,480 (around £220/$295) and will ship in February 2018.
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