Niantic announce Harry Potter AR game, Wizards Unite

Niantic announce Harry Potter AR game, Wizards Unite

0 comments 📅09 November 2017, 13:38

Niantic has revealed their follow-up to Pokémon Go, an augmented reality Harry Potter game titled Wizards Unite.

At this point in time, not much is known about the game, with the official site offering a logo and brief description. Players can, “explore real-world neighbourhoods and cities to discover mysterious artifacts, learn to cast spells, and encounter legendary beasts and iconic characters along the way!” The official website also offers you the opportunity to sign up and register your interest.

In a statement from Niantic’s CEO, John Hanke, he said that the game will, “leverage the full stack of the Niantic Platform while also providing an opportunity to pioneer all new technology and gameplay mechanics.”

Wizards Unite will be the first in a series of new Harry Potter games to be developed by Portkey Games, a new games label from Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. You can expect to be a wannabe witch or wizard casting magic with your mobile phone in 2018.

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