Gwent: Thronebreaker delayed until next year

Gwent: Thronebreaker delayed until next year

0 comments 📅23 November 2017, 08:36

CD Projekt RED has announced that Gwent: Thronebreaker, the single player campaign coming to their Witcher-themed collectable card game, has been delayed until 2018.

In a development update on the official Gwent website, the Polish developer revealed that the delay until next year is to “increase the campaign’s scope” and they “need more time to work on it.”

“Shifting release windows is always something we approach seriously, however, we’ll never hesitate to do it if we feel you’ll get a better game as a result,” continued Marcin Iwinski, co-founder of CD Projekt RED.

Alongside the Thronebreaker delay, Iwinski reconfirmed that they still plan to take Gwent out of beta in 2018 and will be ramping up multiplayer updates over the coming months with more cards, challenges and game patches.

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