Star Trek: Discovery renewed for season 2. Duh

Star Trek: Discovery renewed for season 2. Duh

0 comments 📅23 October 2017, 20:03

It comes as no real surprise, but welcome news nonetheless, that Star Trek: Discovery has been renewed for a second season.

We got five thousand dollars, we got five thousand dollars

Announced in a press release only this morning, showrunners Aaron Harberts and Gretchen J. Berg have also signed on to return.

“In just six episodes, Star Trek: Discovery has driven subscriber growth, critical acclaim and huge global fan interest for the first premium version of this great franchise,” said Marc DeBevoise, CBS Interactive’s President and Chief Operation Officer.

“This series has a remarkable creative team and cast who have demonstrated their ability to carry on the Star Trek legacy. We are extremely proud of what they’ve accomplished and are thrilled to be bringing fans a second season of this tremendous series.”

Or…to put it another way, this is a show that costs between $7 and $8 million dollars PER episode. There’s no way on God’s Earth that CBS was going to pull the plug after just one season.

No details about the second season were given, such as the number of episodes or whether or not it too will be split into two sections as season one has been, but presumably the show will continue to air in the US exclusively on All Access, rather than making the leap to network TV.

CBS has extended it’s first section of the first series of Star Trek: Discovery by one episode – so now the ninth and final episode of what’s referred to as “season 1a” will be shown on November 12th and the remaining six episodes that make up “season 1b” will be shown in early 2018.

Airing in the US on CBS All Access Sundays at 8:30 pm ET and at 12pm on Mondays in the UK on Netflix

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