0 comments 📅20 October 2017, 16:10

“I know this place can give you the creeps,” says Ross Noble in a rare non-comedy role, playing a male nurse in a rundown institution – and he’s not wrong. If you didn’t already have nosocomephobia (a fear of hospitals) at the start of the film, you will by the time this low-budget chiller gets under your skin.

When Dana (The Descent’s Shauna Macdonald) is hit by a car and wakes up in hospital, unable to move, she’s rightfully freaked out. Trapped within her body and able to communicate only by using a keyboard, it doesn’t help that her belief that she’s being watched appears to have a more supernatural explanation.

Debut director Dennis Bartok takes this devilishly simple set-up and makes the most of the hospital’s flickering lights and clanking pipes to ratchet up the tension. Noble’s role doesn’t stretch him, but he’s confident enough to help raise the heart rate, as low camera angles and a techno-haunting build to a nerve-jangling finale. Reviewed by Matt Chapman

Release: Out Now
From: Kaleidoscope Home Entertainment
Format: DVD & Digital Download
Age Rating: 15

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