Following its screening at the Scotland Loves Anime festival, All the Anime have announced that they have acquired the live-action Tokyo Ghoul movie and will screen the film in UK cinemas.
In the announcement, it is revealed that the film, “will be receiving a limited run of selected cinema screenings in 2018 along with a home video release.”
Based on the hit manga series by Sui Ishida, the film is directed by Kentaro Hagiwara, who brings to life the story of student Ken Kaneki (Masataka Kubota). After Kaneki is almost killed in an attack by a disguised ghoul, he survives only to discover that he has been transformed into a ghoul-human hybrid. Shunned by humans, Kaneki finds acceptance at Anteiku, a café run by a group of ghouls. They teach Kaneki how to adapt to his new life as a ghoul, such as his need to consume human flesh to survive, and dealing with ghoul hunters.
Tokyo Ghoul opened in Japan earlier this year in July and went on to earn ¥1.06 billion ($9.5 million) at the Japanese box office.
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