John Constantine May Be On His Way To Legends Of Tomorrow

John Constantine May Be On His Way To Legends Of Tomorrow

0 comments 📅09 October 2017, 12:00

DC TV shows love their underdogs. In the space of two seasons, Legends of Tomorrow has gone from being a weird amalgamation of leftover characters into one of the two best DC live-action shows on air. Equal parts Doctor Who, Bill and Ted and Red Dwarf its group of lovable, occasionally sociopathic, outcasts are some of the most fun characters in superhero fiction right now.

And, rumor has, they’re about to be joined by the ultimate underdog.

John Constantine is one of the best characters in modern western comics. A fast-talking Liverpudlian magician first introduced in the pages of Swamp Thing (And looking not unlike future lute enthusiast Sting), he’s never quite left. His original solo series, Hellblazer, ran for over 300 issues, two more followed in quick succession and he was also, briefly, the star of his own TV show, Constantine.

Starring Welsh charisma tornado Matt Ryan, Constantine only ran for a half season but was colossal, nasty supernatural fun. So beloved was Ryan’s turn as the character in fact that he’s become the go-to version of him. He’s already appeared in an episode of Arrow, is about to voice the character in an animated series and is apparently set to join Legends of Tomorrow.

This isn’t the first time John Constantine has been mentioned in connection with the show either. There was talk of him becoming a season regular back in year 2 but nothing came of that. However, this time, it feels more likely. He’ll be the star of a CW Seed animated series early next year, meaning he’ll back in the public eye. That’s the perfect time to bring him back to live action too and let’s face it John and White Canary in the same place at the same time is going to be instantly hilarious.

More word as we get it and thanks to for breaking the story. Now if you’ll excuse us, we’re going to go re-watch his show. And maybe the Keanu Reeves movie too…

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