Gambit’s Movie Will Arrive On Valentine’s Day 2019

Gambit’s Movie Will Arrive On Valentine’s Day 2019

1 comment 📅13 October 2017, 14:00

The raging Cajun rides again! For real this time!

In the great history of not-quite-happened X-Men movies, Gambit is by far the most recent. It seems like a home run; swashbuckling, hyper charming lead, gorgeous locations, heist action, Channing Tatum and yet the film has been stuck in development hell for years with several directors signing on and then leaving.

Now though, at last, the film is a go and Deadpool kept its seat warm. Gambit will arrive Valentine’ Day 2019 with the clear hope that it will get the same massive tide of support that Wade rode all the way to pop culture dominance. There’s a good chance of it too. The character is another charming tragic loner with an endearingly rubbish side . And while he is less squalid than Deadpool, let’s face it everyone is less squalid than Deadpool.

Gore Verbinski, or ‘Director of the good Pirates of the Carribbean movies’ as he is sometimes know in these parts will direct and Channing Tatum will finally, actually get to play Gambit. We’re honestly really happy for him as he’s wanted to do this for ages. So, Valentine’ Day 2019, get ready because Gambit is coming to steal your heart. And if that isn’t one of the movie’s tag lines, we will be amazed.

Thanks to io9 for the find and THR for the original story

1 Comment

  1. Bruce
    17 October 2017, 13:01 Bruce

    Channing Tatum looks good in the artwork but will he be a good Gambit or not remains to be seen. Well, we will know for sure in 2019. An R-rated Deadpool worked out very well for Fox the same could happen with Gambit.

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