Children Of Time Being Adapted For The Big Screen

Children Of Time Being Adapted For The Big Screen

0 comments 📅12 October 2017, 17:06

Adrian Tchaikovsky has been turning out incredible novels for a while now. Spiderlight, his recent Tor novella, is especially great. It simultaneously takes down the ‘heroic quest’ trope and explores what it means to be human when you absolutely did not start out that way.

Now, Adrian’s other Spider-centric story, Children of Time, has been optioned for the big screen.

The novel follows a colony world where humanity has uplifted (Boosted the intelligence) of spiders to use as a work force. As humanity begins to descend into anarchy, the two cultures find themselves in open conflict.

Now, Colby Day has been hired by Lionsgate to adapt the novel. Day is a Black List-ranking author whose script ‘In The Blink of An Eye’ is being produced by Grey Matter Productions.

No word on director yet but this is a great choice. Adrian does amazing work, Day has a lot of momentum right now and it’s a brilliant book. Just…maybe avoid this one if you’re an arachnophobe.

Thanks to Variety for the story

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