Board game publisher Fantasy Flight Games to open video game development studio

Board game publisher Fantasy Flight Games to open video game development studio

0 comments 📅26 October 2017, 15:24

Have you ever fancied a game of Arkham Horror, Letters from Whitechapel or Battlestar Galactica but can’t be bothered to gather your friends together to do so? Well, Fantasy Flight will soon be opening up its own video game development studio to bring more of its physical board games to the digital realm.

We’ve already seen some of the publisher’s games such as Elder Sign make the transition, but the new studio, Fantasy Flight Interactive, will be “focused on not just adapting tabletop games, but creating fresh digital experiences based on Fantasy Flight Games’ most-beloved brands,” according to a press release.

“We didn’t create a new company just to translate board games into digital games. We’re focused on the bigger picture of the experiences our fans can have on new platforms, and this will take our brands in new directions,” said Christian T. Petersen, Founder of Fantasy Flight Games and CEO of Asmodee North America.

The company will continue to employ a hybrid approach to some of its board games as it has with XCOM, whereas Fantasy Flight Interactive will be working on more “expansive” and “carefully curated” video games that maintain the core philosophies of the game’s they’re adapting.

There’s no word on what project we can expect from the new studio first, but an announcement is expected to be coming soon.

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