Arrow Season 6 Sizzle Reel Features Arrows, Angst, Fatherhood And World’s Coolest Backpack

Arrow Season 6 Sizzle Reel Features Arrows, Angst, Fatherhood And World’s Coolest Backpack

0 comments 📅12 October 2017, 13:00

It’s amazing sometimes to look back across the last six years and see how massive the Arrowverse has become. From that first, haunting image of a traumatized Ollie finally being rescued the world has expanded to include The Flash, the Legends, Supergirl and, it’s looking increasingly likely, Black Lightning.

But, at the heart of it all will always be Grumpy Archer Batman. Oliver Queen’s ongoing attempts to be way less stabby have led him and his friends down a dark and winding path towards something approximating hope. Or at least it was looking that way until the end of season 5. Big changes were hinted at and, judging by the new sizzle reel they are very definitely here.

Oliver as a dad! No hints AT ALL about who lives or dies! A Flash backpack! We can’t wait.

Arrow season 6 is back 19 October on Sky 1 at 8pm.

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