Telltale debuts Batman: The Enemy Within – Episode Two trailer

Telltale debuts Batman: The Enemy Within – Episode Two trailer

0 comments 📅26 September 2017, 17:22

Batman: The Enemy Within – Episode 2: The Pact is out next week and Telltale has released a new trailer to show what new kind of trouble is set to befall Batman and Bruce Wayne.

After teasing her in the previous episode, The Pact will introduce Dr Harleen Quinzel to Telltale’s Batman universe. The trailer above shows her terrorising the streets of Gotham, so both Bruce and Batman must take on the task of putting her destructive tendencies to an end.

It’ll involve more risky collaborations with John Doe, Bruce’s questionable ally who we’re all waiting to go full Joker on us. Don’t worry, it’s coming. Apparently, the actions you take throughout the series will form your own interpretation of The Joker, according to Telltale.

After a decent first season, The Enemy Within started out strong in episode one. ‘There are some exciting set pieces – both as Bruce as Batman – as well as some tantalising story threads to be explored in future episodes,’ we wrote in our review.

Batman: The Enemy Within – Episode 2: The Pact will be available on October 3 for PS4, Xbox One, PC and Mac. Both episodes one and two will be released for iOS and Android devices on the same day.

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