From WayForward have released a teaser trailer of their upcoming actioner The Mummy Demastered, based on Universal’s blockbuster. And given the 2D pixel based look, you’d think this was a game released decades ago on the SNES and Mega Drive.
The Mummy Demastered clearly has its roots in the Metroidvania style of gameplay (for those of you who don’t know what that is, it’s a game in the style of Metroid and Castlevania). However, there appears to be a bit of Komani’s Contra and Zombies thrown into the mix too.
If this was a quick cash-in, the game would have been released around the same time as the film, with players controlling Tom Cruise’s character, Nick Morton. However, the game is more of a side-story to the film as you control an elite agent in the monster-hunting Prodigium organisation. Making your way through tombs, forests, abandoned tunnels, and the cursed streets of London, you must use a variety of weapons, upgrades, and mysterious artefacts to defeat the supernatural hordes of Princess Ahmanet.
Keeping with the theme of the film, if you lose all your energy, your agent does not die, but instead joins Ahmanet’s undead army. You then take control of a new agent, only without the weapons and upgrades you had earlier. Check out the trailer below, complete with Howie scream.
The Mummy Demastered will be released this autumn on PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and Steam.
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