Legends of Tomorrow Trailer Re-Mixes History

Legends of Tomorrow Trailer Re-Mixes History

0 comments 📅14 September 2017, 14:00

There are very few things that give us more joy than Legends of Tomorrow. After an immensely rocky first season the show has evolved into the most exuberant, over the top and joyous series running right now. Don’t believe us? The last line of last season was ‘I think we broke time.’

And they did.

A lot.

Season 3 sees the team joined by newcomer Zari Adrianna Tomaz (Tala Ashe) and facing off against some familiar faces as they try and put what right what they’ve REALLY messed up.

Legends of Tomorrow is a joy and we can’t wait to see this. Where else are we going to see Caesar getting punched out in Aruba? Or a T-Rex fight? Or Ray being adorable? Or Sara Lance becoming the living embodiment of long suffering?

Legends of Tomorrow is back in the US 10 October and. As soon as we have a UK date, we’ll let you know.

Thanks to Bleeding Cool for the link

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