So, here’s a thing. Maybe.
We’re reviewing Fear The Walking Dead at the moment. And as you’ll see, we’ve caught up to the latest episode. That sees Chris and Travis continue to be more than slightly awful and now, do so in the company of three of the Bro-iest Bros to ever fistbump. All of this leads to Chris taking his first actual real human life.
Not a Walker.
A living person.
We’ve talked a lot over in those reviews about whether or not Chris is a character who can be saved. We’ve also talked a lot about how FTWD is getting a very big central cast these days with the Manuwa/Clark family joined by Strand and now Elena, Hector, Luciana and the world’s angriest guests (If TripAdvisor was still a thing? Elena would be TOAST).
There are about 10 primary characters right now, not counting the likes of Alejandro and Ilene. While that ragtag fugitive fleet approach has paid dividends in the main show here, given the split narrative, it’s dragging the series down.
In short, it seems like someone has to go. And soon. Chris, unless Travis pulls a last second Dad of the Year save for him, has been looking like a good candidate for a while now.
And late last week, we – maybe – got the best evidence yet that Chris doesn’t make it out of this season.
Agents of SHIELD season four is going to be dealing with Ghost Rider. Specifically, the Robby Reyes incarnation. Robby, created by Felipe Smith and Tradd Moore in 2014, is an LA-based car mechanic. Trying to raise money to move out of a rough neighbourhood he agrees to take part in a street race. It goes very South, he gets very shot and is reborn as the new Ghost Rider. It’s a great series and even though it didn’t find an audience it’s well worth tracking down.
Oh, and Robbie’s motivation for moving out of the neighbourhood? So he could better look after his disabled brother Gabe. Gabe’s also going to be showing up on Agents Of SHIELD and the casting announcement for him was made this week: he’ll he played by Lorenzo James Henrie, who happens to play Chris on Fear The Walking Dead.
Now, this maybe means nothing. FTWD’s second season is either done or mostly done so it may simply be an actor booking his off season gig.
But we don’t think so.
Chris’ arc seems to only end with death or rebirth at this point. That coupled with the fact that the cast is getting big, Chris as a character (not Henrie, whose work we enjoy) is awful and Occam’s razor leads us to suspect two things: Chris is going to be killed off during this season of Fear The Walking Dead.
And next season Agents of SHIELD has this as its spiritual theme tune:
Article by Alasdair Stuart
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