Huge, horrifying monster related good news everyone! Attack on Titan, one of the very best anime series of this century to date is definitely coming back next year. The series follows a group of teenagers in a post-apocalyptic world where humanity is confined to a single vast city. Outside the walls, the world belongs to the Titans, immense, carnivorous humanoid monsters. The Titans haven’t attacked for years but that, and what the teenagers’ think their lives are for, is about to change…
It’s an amazing show, balancing character drama, vast (literally) action and a remarkably complex and well executed story arc. The only problem is, while the manga and various side projects have flourished, there’s been no sign of season 2.
But now, all that is about to change. CrunchyRoll report that over the weekend cast members Yūki Kaji (Eren), Yui Ishikawa (Mikasa), Marina Inoue (Armin), and director Tetsuro Araki were part of a live reading at the splendidly named Attack Festival. There, they confirmed that season 2 production had been planned for 2016 since production on the first compilation movie back in 2014. More recently, Spanish home video and streaming service SelectaVisión indicated that the show was due for release in early 2017.
What’s not entirely clear from these reports is whether SelectaVisión were assuming the production commencement was the release date or not. We expect more details to surface shortly but what’s clear is this; work on new Attack on Titan is either underway or about to be and that can only be a good thing. Unless you’re facing a Titan of course…
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