Anime Limited Discuss Upcoming Releases @ MCM London Comic Con

Anime Limited Discuss Upcoming Releases @ MCM London Comic Con

0 comments 📅01 June 2016, 09:13

Death Parade

Following on from Anime Limited’s announcements on Friday, the company revealed the rest of their line-up for the year on the last day of MCM London Comic Con.

After discussing their company, and their upcoming release of an ultimate edition of Full-Metal Alchemist, the panel announced that their final ultimate release of 2016 would be Death Parade. The critically acclaimed original series made by Madhouse questions what happens when we die. After two people that die on Earth at the same time they are brought to a bar. a place that could be described as purgatory. There they must play one of many bar games with their “lives” on the line. They are judged by an arbiter who is also a bartender. As the tensions rise and time starts to run out the players’ secrets are revealed and their darkest thoughts brought to light. It is a fascinating and powerful examination of the human psyche, and Anime Limited’s ultimate edition promises to be a great purchase.


Divine Sea Warriors

The company also revealed that it will be bringing a classic Japanese animation to British soil. Momotaro’s Divine Sea Warriors is an important piece of history, an anime made during the Second World War as a propaganda film focuses on what happens to a bear cub, a monkey, a pheasant and a puppy after they complete naval training and go to war. The film is one of the most important creations to be made, inspiring people across Japan to become animators, including Tezuka Osamu who is seen as the godfather of anime. Anime Limited’s release will provide an insightful piece of animation history, and the collection will include a book written alongside anime expert Jonathan Clements.

More details of what will come in both products will be released later this year.

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