Secret Cinema 28 Days Later: awesome new Dan Mumford poster

Secret Cinema 28 Days Later: awesome new Dan Mumford poster

Secret Cinema 28 Days Later: awesome new Dan Mumford poster

0 comments 📅26 April 2016, 10:59

As the Secret Cinema 28 Days Later event continues to ravage its way through London, terrorising those brave enough to not only watch but actually live through a classic horror movie, it’s inspired a new piece of art. 

Artist Dan Mumford has created an all-new apocalyptic graphic of 28 Days Later as a silk screen image, and it’s available for fans to buy for £35.

Secret Cinema 28 DAYS Later poster artwork by daniel mumford

Have you already been through the ringer of a desolate and destroyed London, or are you about to wake up in a nightmare world, as Secret Cinema 28 Days Later runs from 14 April-29 May 2016? Let us know in the comments below.

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