Titan’s Penny Dreadful Comic Art Preview

Titan’s Penny Dreadful Comic Art Preview

0 comments 📅03 March 2016, 11:39

Titan has unveiled the spooky art work for the first page of its upcoming Penny Dreadful comic, based the monster mash cult hit TV show. Penny Dreadful #1 will hit stores on 4 May. This prequel reveals the terrifying events that led Vanessa to try and find her missing childhood friend, Mina Harker, and exposes the true nature of the vampiric monsters infesting Victorian London.

The new ongoing comic series is drawn by Louie De Martinis and written by Penny Dreadful scriptwriter Krysty Wilson-Cairns so it should feel very authentic.

Click on the image for a larger version… if you dare.



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