Tank Girl: New comic released May 2016

Tank Girl: New comic released May 2016

0 comments 📅01 March 2016, 11:26

Tank Girl returns to comics in an all-new series from co-creator Alan Martin and rising star Brett Parson (New Romancer) on 18 May 2016.

Tank Girl: Two Girls, One Tank sees the return of the punk princess and Issue #1 comes with four covers to collect: three art covers by artists Black Frog, Brett Parson and Shaky Kane, plus a blank sketch variant.

Tank Girl Two Girls One Tank covers Brett Parson Black Frog Shaky Kane Alan Martin

Strap yourself in, folks; It’s gonna be one helluva ride! Expect a healthy dose of delirium and plenty of ball-crunching action in this high-octane cross-country skirmish that asks the question: is this world really big enough for two Tank Girls?!

Want to see two pages of interior art by Brett Parson? Of course you do…

Tank Girl Two Girls One Tank interior art Brett Parson

Tank Girl Two Girls One Tank interior art Brett Parson 2

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