Supergirl & The Flash Crossover Teaser Trailer

Supergirl & The Flash Crossover Teaser Trailer

0 comments 📅16 March 2016, 17:10

Talk about short and sweet – this trailer is over in a flash. Geddit? Flash? Oh never mind. Here’s the first teaser trailer of the Supergirl episode “World’s Finest” that features a guest appearance from Grant (“Ezra who…?”) Gustin as the Flash. There’s a couple of brief clips and the image of the Flash’s yellow lightning illuminating the Supergirl logo. It’s not much and yet it’s somehow still quite exciting…

The Flash and Supergirl crossover episode is set to air in the States on Monday 28 March on CBS. Over here it’ll be on Sky 1 sometime in early June (if we’ve done our maths right and Sky doesn’t show two episodes a week or something).

“Kara gains a new ally when the lightning-fast superhero The Flash (Grant Gustin) suddenly appears from an alternate universe and helps Kara battle Siobhan, aka Silver Banshee, and Livewire in exchange for her help in finding a way to return him home.”


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