Robert Llewellyn & Danny John Jules Tease New Red Dwarf At MCM Liverpool

Robert Llewellyn & Danny John Jules Tease New Red Dwarf At MCM Liverpool

0 comments 📅14 March 2016, 07:15

Robert  Llewellyn and Danny John Jules – Kryten and Cat in Red Dwarf – teased at MCM Liverpool Comic Con yesterday that the new batch of episodes they’ve just recorded contain at least five episodes that are among the best Red Dwarf episodes ever.

Speaking on the main stage they said that series XI had been recorded before Christmas, and that they had just finished filming series XII last week (Jules gentling mocking Llewellyn for not turning up to the wrap party). They promised that the series contains “lots of rubber” and that at one point during recording the four main cast members had to just stand and wait for what “seemed like forever” for the audience to stop laughing. They also said the current plan was for XI to be show on Dave in September.

Later on the BUZZ stage (relevant clip above, full interview below) they went into more detail about the “multiple Kryten” episode, in which we’ll see mechanoid versions of all the main cast, describing “an army of Krytens from beyond the tomb” and scenes that’ll be like a mass “ministry of silly walks”.

The full video interview also contains Jules’ and Llewellyn’s impression of their dubbed selves. Here’s a warning if you’re listening with ear plugs: be prepared!



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  1. jimfromtx
    18 April 2016, 14:47 jimfromtx

    It’s finished filming now, but won’t be airing until September? Aww. Can’t wait!

  2. Andy001z .
    17 March 2016, 13:35 Andy001z .

    What no fans of Red Dwarf at all…. no comments. Well, so nice to see the guys relaxed and confident that the new show is going to be a blast. Roll on RD I say.

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