Preacher’s Upside Down Church Poster Recreated For Real

Preacher’s Upside Down Church Poster Recreated For Real

0 comments 📅12 March 2016, 06:15

This crash-landed, upside-down church might look like something out of a Wizard Of Oz remake (you expect to see some witchy legs pointing out from underneath) but no. It is, a fact, a publicity stunt for the Preacher TV show, recreating the iconic poster for real in advance of the show’s world premiere at SXSW in Texas.


Dominic Cooper stars as Jesse Cutler, a preacher with mysterious powers on a mission to literally find God.  The cast also includes Joe Gilgun as the vampire Cassidy, Ruth Negga as his gun-toting ex-girlfriend Tulip, Ian Colletti as the kindhearted yet startling Arseface, W Earl Brown as his father Sheriff Hugo Root, Lucy Griffiths as Emily Woodrow, an original character in the series and love interest of Jesse’s, with Elizabeth Perkins as Vyla Quinncannon, the owner of the local slaughterhouse and a semi-original character, and Jackie Earle Haley as Odin Quincannon!


[via Coming Soon]


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