Person Of Interest To End With Season 5

Person Of Interest To End With Season 5

0 comments 📅17 March 2016, 07:35

Person Of Interest, the utterly brilliant cyber-paranoia series created by Jonathan (The Dark Knight) Nolan, is set to end after its yet-to-broadcast 13 episode fifth season.


Jonathan Nolan and fellow exec producer Greg Plageman confirmed the widely-expected news to IGN.

“We’re extremely excited to be able share this final season with the fans. We’re eternally grateful to our amazing cast and crew, as well as our partners at the studio and network. Most of all, we want to thank the show’s fans — the best fans in the world. This subversive little paranoia-inducing cyberpunk-thriller is for you and would not have been possible without your support. As life has come to imitate ‘Person of Interest,’ it’s been our great privilege to work on show for the past five seasons. We can’t wait for you to experience this thrilling and final chapter.”

Person of Interest stars Jim Caviezel as presumed-dead CIA agent John Reese. who works for the mysterious Howard Finch (Lost’s Michael Emerson) preventing crimes before they happen as predicted by a super computer. Except, over the past five seasons, it’s become a lot more complicated than that.

It’ll be sad to see it go, but it’ll be going out on a high and presumably with a finale that’s written to be a finale. Not that we’re expecting a totally happy ending…

Wonder if Bear – the show’s Belgian pooch – will keep his Twitter account going?


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