Could Captain America: Civil War Have 3 Post-Credit Extra Scenes?

Could Captain America: Civil War Have 3 Post-Credit Extra Scenes?

0 comments 📅18 March 2016, 07:00

“We can confirm that you should stay sat in your seats when the movie is done,” Captain America: Civil War co-director Joe Russo tells Forbes, teasing that there could be anything up to three extra scenes during and/or after the closing credits.


Questioned about whether there would be a tease for Doctor Strange (the next Marvel film to arrive in cinemas) during the Civil War end credits Russo would neither confirm nor deny but he did say, “We can’t say who is going to be in it but we can say that there certainly could be one, or two, maybe three.”

Interesting. Presumably Doctor Strange has to feature in at least one of the extra scenes, maybe all of them, who knows? Maybe Marvel has decided to shake up the trope a little bit and give us three connected “episodes”. More likely they’ll be three separate scenes, but other than for Doctor Strange, what else? A Thanos tease would seem an obvious choice but would that come across as a bit “cosmic” after the more grounded and political tone of Civil War? (Then again, Marvel has never shied away from “clash of the genres”, so why not?) A clip looking forward to the Black Panther would be another obvious choice (maybe Andy Serkis putting on his “klaw” for the first time?). Maybe the Hulk being whisked off into space in prep for Ragnarok?

Much less likely, but very welcome, would be a surprise appearance from Captain Marvel. Or would that make the near-intolerable wait for Marvel’s first female fronted superhero movie even harder?

What do you think? Who will appear in the Captain America: Civil War extra scenes?


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