MCM Midlands 2016: cosplay gallery

MCM Midlands 2016: cosplay gallery

0 comments 📅25 February 2016, 14:34

MCM Midlands was filled with stylish and spot-on cosplay creations… 

From Apes to Monkey D Luffy, Godzilla to Goku, Vader to Hodor, there were some amazing cosplays on show at MCM Midlands Comic Con. From the moment we got on the train from Birmingham to our trip home, we were impressed – especially by the out-of-character Sylvester McCoy who sat next to us. Wait, aren’t you the real Sylvester McCoy!? While we didn’t snap a pic of the man usually seen travelling in a boxier, bluer mode of transport, we did capture these amazing examples to share with you.

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