Guardians Of The Gallery: Avengers Rom-Com & Lots Of Star Wars

Guardians Of The Gallery: Avengers Rom-Com & Lots Of Star Wars

0 comments 📅06 December 2015, 09:23

Odd, weird, cool and amusing images and vids that have been exciting the internet this past week…



••• With a bit or re-editing, Marvel could easily create an Avengers rom-com, even without the aid of Jennifer Aniston.


••• That’s no Death Star, that’s a cinema foyer. This is the new Alamo Drafthouse which has just opened in Omaha, Nebraska. “The idea behind the lobby is that we wanted to construct and install a theme that would make us unique in our Omaha market as well as the midwest,”  the theatre team said in a statement to Entertainment Weekly [via /Film]. We also wanted a theme that was built around an iconic film and to completely own that theme to immerse our guests in the experience. That is when Star Wars came into the picture and it just so happened that we timed it out just right with the announcement of the huge plans for a new Star Wars legacy starting this December. It is a permanent installation and will be thee destination to see all of the new Star Wars films.”

Star Wars Cinema Foyer 1

Star Wars Cinema Foyer 2

Star Wars Cinema Foyer 3


••• Fandango has commissioned seven top artists from around the internet to create new posters for each of the seven Star Wars films in a wonderfully eclectic range of styles. Visit Fandango for some interesting insights into the artists’ thinking behind their work.


By Jerome Lu


By Jeff Welborn


By Sket One


By Chito Arellano


By Ale Giorgini


By Brian Miller


By Jeff Delgado


••• Everyone V Superman. [via]



••• Freakiest marketing gimmick ever? Probably, so you won’t be surprised to learn that mind-melter Derren Brown is involved. Two life-sized dolls stalked the London Underground this week to mark the launch of “the world’s first psychological theme park ride” at Thorpe Park. If Brown’s involved, though, there probably isn’t a ride at all… he just convinces you there is, while you just stand there with your arms in the air screaming at nothing.

freaky derren brown dolls 1

freaky derren brown dolls 3

freaky derren brown dolls 4

freaky derren brown dolls 2


••• Here’s a bling BB-8, courtesy of ComicBookResources. This 4.25-inch replica of Star Wars droid is a collaboration between Disney and Kay Jewelers made for charity. Weighing more than 1.5 pounds, it’s made of 18-carat yellow girl and about 860 diamonds. Yours for $135,000.



••• Darth Vader cat, from the man who previously brought you Magneto Cat.


••• The greatest four-legged warrior of the wasteland is brought to life. Cosplayer Alexis Smith decked out her dog, Sarge, as as Dogmeat from Fallout. [via]





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