Guardians Of The Gallery: Weird Stormtroopers, Halo, Batman & More

Guardians Of The Gallery: Weird Stormtroopers, Halo, Batman & More

0 comments 📅08 November 2015, 09:35

A round-up of some of the oddest and funniest images and videos that have been doing the rounds on the ’net we like to call inter over the past week or so. Enjoy.



••• What if Stormtroopers had been cloned from something other than a humanoid? That’s the inspiration behind  a series of helmets by New York City designer Blank William. Called “The New Order”, has Stormtrooper helmets for elephants, hippos and rhinoceroses (although, we have to be honest, the hippo one looks more like a capybara). Scary concept, and the elephant one is glorious…







••• Stan Lee does an impression of Grumpy Cat at the ComiKaze Expo.


••• Mondo has released two more prints by Phantom City Creative based on classic episodes of the 1990s Batman Animated series. One is for “Almost Got ’Im”, one of Buzz’s favourite episodes, in which the Dark Knight’s adversaries swap tall tales about the time they almost managed to beat the masked crusader. Sadly there were limited editions of 250 each and they sold out within minutes of going on sale on Thursday. But you can appreciate the images here…

mondo-almost-got-im-625x833 copy

mondo-vendetta-625x833 copy


••• Okay, try to get this through customs…


••• Your eyes do not deceive you. That is William Shatner as a stormtrooper. No, he wasn’t trying to sneak onto the set of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, after JJ Abrams cruelly decided not to let him have a cameo in his Trek movies. Shatner turned up to the Country Music Awards (CMAs) which had a Star Wars theme this year (you can see the opening here). Later, in the ceremony Shatner performed a version of Little Big Town’s “Girl Crush” in his signature sing-speak style, but sadly that has yet to turn up on YouTube. What’s wrong with country music audiences? Too blue to surreptitiously operate a sneaky mobile cam?



••• Christmas is coming and so is the Christmas tat., has launched a range of “Ugly Christmas Sweaters” (their word, not outs) inspired by Star Wars. Prices range from $31.99 to $36.99. There are also seasonal superhero sweaters too.

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••• We’ve had a lot of Back To The Future videos recently, but this one’s a little bit different as franchises collide in timey-wimey fashion. Yes Doctor Who meets Marty McFly… kinda.

••• Meet the female, black version of Captain America who’s being introduced into Radioactive Spider-Gwen #2.It’s all taking part in an “alternate” part of the Marvel universe, but we still demand the film version now!

Black female Captain America

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