Guardians Of The Gallery: Game Of Thrones, Batman, Ghostbusters & More

Guardians Of The Gallery: Game Of Thrones, Batman, Ghostbusters & More

0 comments 📅01 November 2015, 17:55

The best, oddest and funniest images and videos that have been wowing the internet over the past 14 days (MCM London meant we skipped a week… sorry!)



••• First up this week, a fantastic map courtesy of Tech Insider showing the ridiculously long journeys that certain Game Of Thrones characters gave had to make. Apparently, George RR Martin kept most distances deliberately vague in the A Song Of Ice And Fire books precisely to prevent nick-picking fans from going, “I’ll think you’ll find it would be impossible for a Grungehelm Strangeknob to get from there to there in a day on a horse”. However, in A Storm Of Swords Sam Tarly says The Wall  is “a hundred leagues long”. If you take that on face value (and assuming that in Westeros a league is equal to thee miles as it is in our universe) you can extrapolate the following epic journeys.



•••  The Avengers look for new jobs in an official Marvel video that looks a bit like Robot Chicken, but isn’t quite as sharp as Robot Chicken, but is pretty darned near so it’d be churlish to moan.


••• These are just some of fantastic range of Batman villain posters by artist Steven Waters. Visit his site for larger versions and a more of the same!











••• All hail the Mighty Raccoon! For he has created this fantastic title sequence for Captain America: Civil War. Which the Guardians Of The Gallery like very much indeed.


••• Lego has revealed a Ghostbusters HQ set with an incredibly cool compare and contrast photoshoot. With a whopping 4,634 pieces, the iconic two-story firehouse set features a laboratory, living quarters, a containment unit and nine minifigures: Peter Venkman, Raymond Stantz, Egon Spengler, Winston Zeddemore, Janine Melnitz, Dana Barrett, Louis Tully, Zombie Driver and Library Ghost, and also includes Slimer, Pink Ghost and Blue Ghost — all of which you can slide down the fire pole. [via Entertainment Weekly]



••• While the rest of the internet and the world media was all excited about Chewbacca getting arrested in the Ukraine while trying to drive Darth Vader to a local election  (you’ve probably seen the images already but it’s worth posting one again… just because) it seems this isn’t a one-off in Ukrainian politics.




It appears that Emperor Palpatine also was elected to a City Council Seat position in Odessa. As The Guardian points out, “Darth Vaders have been frequent candidates at Ukrainian elections, with a reported 16 of them taking part in last year’s parliamentary vote. The Vaders, many of whom have changed their names legally, usually campaign in full costume. A statue of Vladimir Lenin was given a makeover and unveiled in a new guise as Darth Vader last week, in response to a Ukrainian law banning symbols of the Communist past.” But it’s not just Star Wars. A graphic artist named Denis Gritsfeldt has made his own election posters using Game Of Thrones characters to represent various major parties in the election. Says Gritsfeldt: “One should think carefully before making their choice, because the person behind the name on the voting-paper may be one more Joffrey or, on the contrary, Jon Snow.” Translations via Winter Is Coming. We think the humour may have suffered in translation but they’re interesting anyway.




Monarchist-Democratic Union. Slogan: Get rid of waste, punish the guilty.


Party: The Block of the Like-Minded. Slogan: Heating in every home.


Party: Close-Knit Community of Seven Kingdoms. Slogan: Contractual army!


Party: Association of Children for the Future. Slogan: “Valar morghulis”


Party: Common People Movement. Slogan: 8,000 years of stability.


••• We had to have some Halloween shenanigans this week, so here are a few of the more notable celebrity Tweets in what’s becoming an annual horror cosplay one-upmanship competition.



If your dad is one of Hollywood’s greatest horror make-up designers, you do have an unfair advantage at Halloween…


Halloween. Nailed it. A photo posted by Nathan Fillion (@natefillion) on

A long time ago in a Halloween far, far away….

A photo posted by Neil Patrick Harris (@nph) on


••• Picard’s tea obsession is laid bare…



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