VIDEO JJ Abrams Reveals Netflix Jar Jar Binks Series In Development (And Other Bobbins)

VIDEO JJ Abrams Reveals Netflix Jar Jar Binks Series In Development (And Other Bobbins)

0 comments 📅30 October 2015, 06:38

NOT EXCLUSIVE! JJ Abrams says he’ll never cast Jared Leto as Chewbacca and that there’s a Jat Jar Binks series in development in a series of scoops in a video created especially by Variety. It’s a surprise he can say anything at all considering how firmly his tongue is stuck in his cheek. The industry mag has filmed the Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens director fielding questions from various famous interrogators, including George Lucas. His answers should not be taken as canon.




Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens opens in the UK on 17 December.


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