Guardians Of The Gallery: Jurassic World ’70s-style, Superhero Weaknesses & More

Guardians Of The Gallery: Jurassic World ’70s-style, Superhero Weaknesses & More

0 comments 📅18 October 2015, 17:32

A round of some of the best, weirdest and silliest images and vids that have been doing the rounds on the net we like to call inter this past week…


••• Superhero and supervillain’s weaknesses chart, courtesy of

superheroweaknesses_infogram 2


••• Star Wars shower heads. Perfect for after a session in the trash compactor up to your armpits in dianoga poo. They’re available from Oxygenics. Click on the image for a larger version. [via ComicBookResources]



••• Man creates Thor’s hammer for real (kinda)…


••• Star Wars shoes, available to buy from 30 October at Irregular Choice, a UK outlet. No Prices yet (someone asked on their Facebook page but they remained mysteriously quiet) but they look really expensive to us. And anybody else think the heels on the second ones down look a little like robot Beakers from The Muppets? 





••• Not one but two Jurassic World skits now, the first of which is absolutely brilliant as it uses some great stock footage to produce what a trailer for the ’70s version of the film might have been like. The latest Screen Junkies Honest Trailer is the usual fun, but not one of their sharpest and waaaaaaay too long. We’ll forgive them, though, because we’re still laughing at the mere thought of their Mad Max: Fury Road trailer.


••• this week posted a whole bunch of very mildly spoilery images of the Star Trek: Beyond filming in Dubai. The most curious one, though, seemed to be a pair of background aliens who seemed to have wandered in from Doctor Who. Enjoy the Silence, Starfleet…



••• Darth Vader and Iron Man get Maori Tiki Warrior makeover courtesy of artist Mike Mendez.




••• “No, Mr Bonds, I expect you to melt.” All the Bonds together at last… thanks to Madam Tussauds.




••• Marvel/DC crossover of the week courtesy of Batsvsupes.






••• And yet another Back To The Future II skit…



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