Guardians Of The Gallery: Star Wars Stamps, Game Of Thrones Pinball & More

Guardians Of The Gallery: Star Wars Stamps, Game Of Thrones Pinball & More

0 comments 📅12 September 2015, 10:16

Some of the best, funniest and weirdest pics & vids that’ve been doing the rounds on the ’net this week


••• Terry Gilliam reacts as only Terry Gilliam would when accidentally posted his obituary this week.



••• Internet japesters have been having fun ever since it was announced that Sesame Street was moving to HBO, not, it would seem, a natural home. This vid is worth watching just for The Count/True Blood mash-up.


••• The Royal Mail is issuing a set of special stamps next month to commemorate the upcoming release of Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens.

Star Wars Stamps 2



••• Arrow/Torchwood/Doctor Who star John Barrowman turned up to his DragonCon in TARDIS dress.


••• This $28,000 Star Wars watch looks amazing but also like you’ll need some pretty decent biceps just to lift your arm to see the time. [via]

Star Wars Watch

Star Wars Watch 2


••• Go on admit it, you want your local pub to order this Game Of Thrones pinball in. More pics of it at






••• For their weekly art challenge Comic Book Resources asked people to submit artwork in honour of the recently departed Wes Craven that combined his films with comic character. There are lots of great entries here, but this is our favourite by far. The artist is Brendan Tobin.



••• 20-year-old engineering student Ben Carpenter transformed his standing wheelchair into a an awesome Mad Max: Fury Road war rig for Tampa Bay Comic Con in August. Simply genius. [via ComicBookResources]




••• We want Disney to greenlight this series…


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